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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AVE MARIA +stripes & arc 36
AVI +stripes 12
AVINTO +stripes & square 3
AVIRA HOME +stripes triangl 24, 27, 35
AVIRAL +oval & stripes 5
AVIS GEL +stripes 16
AVISO LAW +stripes 45
AVON JOSH +stripes 12
AVS +stripes 16
stripes 35
stripes 24
AWAPAL +stripes 42
AXIS +drop oval & stripes 32
AXSON +stripes 1, 2, 17, 42
AYESHA'S +stripes 29
AYUR WELL +lamp & stripes 5
AYURVET AGES +stripes 29, 31, 35
AYURVET AGES +stripes squar 1, 5, 7
AZ ZRA MENZ +stripes 25
AZAD +oval & stripes 3
AZD +stripes 9
AZEPAM +stripes 5
AZITHRAL alembic +stripes 5
AZMALER-FBD +stripes square 5
AZMALER-FFT +stripes square 5
AZMALER-FTR +stripes square 5
AZMALER-LSBC +stripes squar 5
AZMALER-LSIP +stripes squar 5
AZMALER-SBC +stripes square 5
AZMALER-SIP +stripes square 5
AZMALER-SLFT +stripes squar 5
AZOCOL lotion +stripes arcs 5
B +stripes 5, 16, 35
B +star & stripes 22, 23, 27, 35, 41
B B-POWER +stripes & square 11
B BARBEE +circle & stripes 25
B BHAUMIK +circle & stripes 30
B BINDU +stripes & arrows 37
B BISHAL GROUP +stripes 42
B BONDSMAN +stripes 25
B TECH BERRY +stripes 35
B&W +stripes 9
B.G. +stripes 1
BA&SH +stripes 18, 25
BABYLINE +stripes 25
BACAKA +man & stripes 5
BACANA +birds & stripes 34
BACHOO +design & stripes 35
BACHOOMAL +stripes 36
BAD PERFECT +circle stripes 20, 35
BAG IT TODAY +bag & stripes 41
BAGPACK SUITES +stripes 43
BAI FREEJIOUS +stripes 32
BALAFO +stripes 18
BALANCE +stripes 27
BALLMAN +circle & stripes 6
BALSON +stripes 9
BALZ +oval & stripes 25
BANDIVER +stripes 5
BANGD +stripes 44
stripes 16
BANPU +stripes 37, 40
BANSAL +arc & stripes 30
stripes 31
BAR CODE +stripes 3, 5, 41
BARTAKKE +stripes 9
BARWIL +stripes 16
BARWIL FORBES +stripes 16
BASCOO +stripes & square 25
BASELINE +squares & stripes 35
BASICS +stripes 43
BAYER +stripes 31
BBN +square & stripes 37
BBODY SHELTER +stripes 35
BC +stripes & square 21
stripes 21
stripes 19
BDT +stripes 7, 9, 42
BE ELEKTROBIT +stripes 9, 37, 38, 42
BE POSITIVE RBS +stripes 38
BEAUTY PALACE +stripes 9, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 26, 43
stripes 35
BEAUTY'S +stripes 3
BECKLO +stripes 5
BECO +stripes & square 19
stripes 7
BEDS ONLINE +stripes 39, 42
BEGUM'S +flower & stripes 43
BEING THERE +stripes 9, 37
BEIRUT EXPRESS +stripes 43
BELA +stripes 24
BELARI soft drinks +stripes 32
BELIMO +stripes 9, 11
BELLCOT +hexagon & stripes 9
BELSON +stripes 35
BELTONE +circle & stripes 9
BENTEX PLUS +oval & stripes 7
BERRY TWIST +stripes 43
BERU +stripes 11
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